The SO expected YES!

So glad to see you here! Welcome aboard to a life changing journey: my very own CSC assignment!

I'm Shana, a very proud IBMer, attorney, only child, Brazilian, Carioca (from Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) daughter of a doctor and a nurse...

Since I was little one thing I learned from my parents: giving will make feel great! But give it with your heart, your soul! And the most important thing you can ever give someone is your time. Time is so precious!

The first time I heard about the CSC program was right when I joined IBM in 2011. I had an orientation day and one of the presenters mentioned it. I felt in love with it and along with all of my aspirations and plans at the new company, CSC was on the top of my list.

As soon as the first two years passed and I became eligible I applied. I remember spending hours on my essays... The response was not the one I expected : ( and I had to experience 2 more "NOs".

But this is something you will learn about me the moment you meet me: I don't give up. Really I mean it! When I make up my mind about something there is no turning back!

Finally that very (much) expected yes came! August 16' I was about to log off when I decided to hit refresh on my email... There it was, 4 applications later I had finally been expected to be a CSC member!

I just could not contain my excitement and happiness, I started calling everyone and even heard: "Did you win the lottery???". Well, that's pretty much what it feels like!!!!

You can learn more (and you should) about the CSC Program here


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