Our project - Disease burden map of Vadodara with the Health Department

We received the SOW a month before getting to India. Immediately we started the work, conference calls, research on Vadodara’s health system and so on…
On the first week, we met our client, we will be working directly with Dr Davesh Patel and Dr Piyush Patel.

Dr Davesh Patel is the Medical Officer of Health for Vadodara and works directly with Dr Piyush Patel, Epidemiologist in charge of keeping track of the diseases in Vadodara.
The objective of our project is to help them find a way to have all their reports and system integrated. A project this big is not easy, especially when we are dealing with hard copy reports, no identification from the patients upfront, almost 100 different parameters for the reports and the fact that only 30% of the population actually uses the public system.
We are mapping, interviewing and trying to find a way to have our project help the VMC on getting the support needed and the population.

It’s been amazing to see how passionate and dedicated Dr Davesh and Dr Piyush are about what they do. It’s like the story of doing a little believing you can change the world even when no one else believes and don't give up... And I believe they are making a difference! 

Like I learned from Gandhi: "Be the difference you want to see in the world".

They are visionaries and would like to see Vadodara as a Center of Excellence in terms of health.

I really hope to see it happening one day!!!!

You can learn more about the Health Departmente here.

Dr Piyush Patel took us to one of the primary health care centers and we did a brainstorming session with the team to find what are their pain points and what can be done better.


  1. I had seen work of Dr piyush Patel since so long....he is an asset to govt as the dedicated person like him is really hard to find ....best wishes to all you ...keep going....

    1. It's been truly a pleasure working with him! He's so devoted and dedicated : )


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